Month: March 2018

A Letter to the Singers of the Los Angeles Master Chorale

Dear Best Singers on the Planet,

I’ve been thinking about this for months and months and months. This is hard. I’m writing to let you know that I have decided not to return to LAMC. I have loved singing with you more than you know. But it’s impossible for me to commit to the group and maintain my full-time work as a teacher (and a mom) along with my part-time work as a music minister, composer, clinician, and arts activist. I am deeply grateful to LAMC for the many amazing opportunities I’ve had to make music with the most talented musical artists on earth. I hope I’ll still have a chance to sing with you from time to time on short-term projects around town. Great things appear to be on the horizon for you all. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds. I’ll be watching from the audience.

Love and hugs to everyone,